Testy Copy Editors

CX o' the day
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Author:  J Kaufman [ Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  CX o' the day

Given the vast quantity of nonsense that appears in newspapers every day, does this really rise to the level of "rather unforgivable blunder"? [Here's an idea: Hire a proofreader from the profits of publishing bra ads.]

Newspaper publishes an "Apology to Readers"
Without doubt done inadvertently, page A-5 of the Thursday, April 18, 2013 Cape Cod Times contains a rather unforgivable blunder.

Reader Gene Curry alerted CapeCodToday to that page in today's paper which features both a diagram of a pressure cooker bomb and a sale on pressure cookers at Macy's.

Authorities have made it known to the media and the public that the horrific bombings at the Boston Marathon this past Monday were carried out with pressure cookers filled with ball bearings, nails and explosives.

Ads mirroring news stories are an inevitability on the web, where sites using third-party advertising can pull in a certain ad based on keywords and content, even if that ad may be deemed inappropriate to run side by side with a given story.

But print is different. Advertising a one day sale on luggage, brassieres and coffee makers is one thing. But advertising a $19.99 pressure cooker on the same page as a graphic depicting how a pressure cooker bomb works is quite another.
[Cape Cod Today]

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